
A prime example of heartfelt DIY filmmaking that really works...Veninger?s naturalistic script proves poignantly alert to the nuances of teen life, perfectly capturing that confusing betwixt-and-between time that is neither childhood nor independence.
- Alissa Simon, Variety
The easy, natural performances from the young actors are refreshingly realistic
- Liam Lacey, The Globe and Mail


17-year-old Lina plans to visit her extended family in Modra, a small town in Slovakia, for a week during the summer holidays. After being dumped by her boyfriend, she spontaneously invites a cute boy from school named Leco to join her instead. Not long after their arrival, however, Lina and Leco discover that they have little in common. To make matters worse, Lina's family mistakenly assumes that romance is afoot.

Theatrical Release Date

Friday, February 11, 2011
Original Languages: English
Genre: Drama, Romance
Running Time: 80 min.
Year: 2010


Alexander Gammal
Branislav Dugovic
Cyril Dugovic
Hallie Switzer
Mathieu Chesneau
Hugh Mater
Un film de
Ingrid Veninger
