Funny Felix

A FILM BY Jacques Martineau, Olivier Ducastel

Funny Felix

A FILM BY Jacques Martineau, Olivier Ducastel


This charming tale revolves around a carefree and innocuous Felix in the little town of Dieppe in Northern France. Felix is content living with his boyfriend, Daniel amongst the regular routines of their daily lives. Felix is addicted to a trashy morning soap opera and lightheartedly chugs bottles of water with his daily dose of protease inhibitors. When Felix is laid off from his job he decides to take a road trip to Marseilles to track down the father he's never met. Arranging to meet Daniel in a week's time, Felix sets off, backpack in tow, walking, hitchhiking and borrowing cars to Southern France. Felix eventually meets his father but not before creating an ideal family along the way, complete with a little brother, a grandmother, and a sister. With a beautiful and natural performance by Sami Bouajila as Felix, this engaging and humorous film manages to tackle a myriad of difficult issues - xenophobia, AIDS, racism and homophobia in an innovative and light manner.

Theatrical Release Date

Original Languages: French
Genre: Comedy, Drama, GLBT, World Cinema
Running Time: 102 min.
Year: 2000


Sami Bouajila
Un film de
Jacques Martineau, Olivier Ducastel