White Massai, The

A FILM BY Hermine Huntgeburth

Hoss is extraordinary in her portrayal of a woman of towering strengths yet understandable vulnerabilities.
Romance at its most exotic.
Visually stunning... an unforgettable love story that takes us deep into the heart of Kenya.
Presents Africa in all its beauty and mystery.
- Peter Howell, TORONTO STAR
Hoss dresse on portrait de femme extraordinaire, à la fois forte et vulnérable.
Le summum du romantisme exotique.
Viusellement épatant! Une histoire damour inoubliable, un voyage au coeur même du Kenya.


At the end of her holidays in Kenya, Carola (Nina Hoss) meets the Samburu warrior Lemalian (Jacky Ido), who cuts a handsome figure with his weapons and traditional dress. Fascinated, Carola falls head over heels in love with him. The results are fateful: she impulsively cancels her return flight and sends her boyfriend (Janek Rieke) back home alone. She stays in Kenya and sets out in search of Lemalian. After a grueling journey through the African wilderness, Carola meets the German woman Elisabeth (Katja Flint) in Maralal, and the two become friends. There she also runs into Lemalian again and follows him to his village, Barsaloi. Carola decides to turn her back on her old life in Switzerland. With incredible energy, she braves all obstacles and builds a new life for herself in Africa. But what she felt was the biggest love of her life turns into an ordeal, an adventure between heaven and hell, a journey that takes her to her limits...

Theatrical Release Date

Original Languages: German/Swahili/English
Genre: Drama, World Cinema
Running Time: 131 min.
Year: 2005


Jacky Ido
Nina Hoss
Un film de
Hermine Huntgeburth