Blood Brother

'Blood Brother' evokes the inspiration and dedication required to nurture children who might otherwise have no other hope.
- Justin Lowe, Hollywood Reporter
'Blood Brother' is never less than engrossing, and it’s often delightful.
- Dennis Harvey, Variety
This doc is as moving as some of the best dramas released this year without the manipulative benefits of plot convenience.
- Toronto Film Scene


Blood Brother is an intimate portrait of Rocky Braat, a young man who longed to find a family. He didn't know it, but this desire would lead him to an AIDS hostel in India, a place of unspeakable hardship, where he would find almost more love and need than he could bear.

Theatrical Release Date

Friday, December 13, 2013
Original Languages: English
Genre: Documentary
Running Time: 92 min.
Year: 2013


Steve Hoover
Rocky Braat
Un film de
Steve Hoover
