Tree, The

Just remarkable! Quite simply a beautiful film
A tour de force
- Philippa Hawker, THE AGE
close to perfection
- Evan Williams, THE AUSTRALIAN
Cet "Arbre" est inoubliable, il s'enracine dans le spectateur, avec la force des images qui bouleversent d'un seul bruissement de feuilles ou d'un craquement de branches.
- Elle
Charlotte Gainsbourg se réinvente encore et livre une interprétation poignante.
- Le Parisien


After the sudden loss of her father, 8-year-old Simone shares a secret with her mother Dawn: her father whispers to her through the leaves of the magnificient tree by their house. Simone is convinced that he's come back to protect her family. Soon, Simone's three brothers and Dawn also take comfort in the reassuring tree. But the new bond between mother and daughter is threatened when Dawn starts dating George. Simone moves into the treehouse and refuses to come down. With branches infiltrating the house and roots destroying the foundations, the tree seems to be siding with Simone. Dawn refuses to let the tree take control of her family...

Theatrical Release Date

Friday, July 08, 2011
Original Languages: English
Genre: Drama, Romance
Running Time: 100 min.
Year: 2010


Marton Csokas
Morgana Davies
Charlotte Gainsbourg
Christian Byers
Tom Russell
Un film de
Julie Bertuccelli
