Life, Above All

inspiring without resorting to any cheap sentimentality.""""
- The Globe and Mail
Un film sensible et délicat, qui parvient à aborder un thème difficile sans l'édulcorer ni en interdire l'accès au public jeune par un réalisme trop cru.
- La Croix
Une oeuvre sobre traitée avec sensibilité.
- Le Figaroscope


LIFE, ABOVE ALL is a emotional and universal drama about a young girl (stunningly performed by first-time-actress Khomotso Manyaka) who fights the fear and shame that have poisoned her community. The film captures the enduring strength of loyalty and a courage powered by the heart. Directed by South African filmmaker Oliver Schmitz (MAPANTSULA, PARIS JE T'AIME), it is based on the international award winning novel "CHANDA'S SECRETS" by Allan Stratton.

Theatrical Release Date

Friday, July 15, 2011
Original Languages: Pedi
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 106 min.
Year: 2010


Un film de
Oliver Schmitz
