How She Move

How She Move has the distinction of being the most visually stylized movie yet made about the hip-hop generation.
- Armond White, New York Press
Hugely enjoyable dance sequences
- Justin Chang, Variety
The strong acting, spectacular dance routines and culturally specific details in How She Move turn clich? into catharsis.
- Matt Zoler Seitz, New York Times


Following her sister's death from drug addiction, a high school student is forced to leave her private school to return to her old, crime-filled neighborhood where she re-kindles an unlikely passion for the competitive world of step dancing.

Theatrical Release Date

Friday, January 25, 2008
Original Languages: English
Genre: Canadian, Drama
Running Time: 98 min.
Year: 2007


Brennan Gademans
Cle Bennett
DeRay Davis
Keyshia Cole
Rutina Wesley
Tre Armstrong
Un film de
Ian Iqbal Rashid
