Get Low

Get Low, starring Bill Murray and Robert Duvall, shows off the lost art of storytelling. Wry, funny, and poignant -- Get Low is a treat.
- Laremy Legel,
With a mix of sly humor, homespun grace and affecting poignancy, Get Low casts a well-nigh irresistible spell while spinning a Depression-era folk tale from the Tennessee backwoods.
- Joe Leydon, Variety


For years, townsfolk have been terrified of the backwoods recluse known as Felix Bush (Duvall). People say he's done all manner of unspeakable things - that he's killed in cold blood; that he's in league with the Devil; that he has strange powers - and they avoid him like the plague. Then, one day, Felix rides to town with a shotgun and a wad of cash, saying he wants to buy a funeral. It's not your usual funeral for the dead Felix wants. On the contrary, he wants a "living funeral," in which anyone who ever had heard a story about him will come to tell it, while he takes it all in. Sensing a big payday in the offing, fast-talking funeral home owner Frank Quinn (Murray) enlists his gentlemanly young apprentice, Buddy Robinson (Black), to win over Felix's business. Buddy is no stranger to Felix's dark reputation, but what he discovers is that behind Felix's surreal plan lies a very real and long-held secret that must get out.

Theatrical Release Date

Friday, August 27, 2010
Original Languages: English
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 100 min.
Year: 2010


Bill Murray
Lucas Black
Robert Duvall
Sissy Spacek
Un film de
Aaron Schneider
