Diego Star

A FILM BY Frédérick Pelletier

Frederick Pelletier as yet another notable writer/director talent from Quebec in the wake of Denis Villeneuve, Denis Cote and Xavier Dolan.
- The Hollywood Reporter
Une oeuvre aussi intimiste qu'universelle.
- Pierre Blais, Le Clap
Frédérick Pelletier n'a pas fini de nous émouvoir et de nous étonner.
- Manon Dumais, Voir


A serious accident occurs onboard the Diego Star, a dilapidated Russian cargo ship. Traoré, a mechanic from the Ivory Coast, is unfairly blamed for it. The ship is towed to the nearest shipyard for repairs. In the interim, crewmembers find shelter with the inhabitants of the small local village. Far from everyone he loves and knows, Traoré is engulfed by the Quebec winter.

Theatrical Release Date

Friday, December 06, 2013
Original Languages: French, English
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 87 min.
Year: 2013


Chloé Bourgeois
Issaka Sawadogo
Un film de
Frédérick Pelletier
