Clouds of Sils Maria, The

If there was ever a reminder needed of Juliette Binoche's great and enduring talent, Assayas delivers it here.
- Screen International
Kristen Stewart shines
- The Telegraph
Stewart gives a striking performance in Clouds
- Vanity Fair
Olivier Assayas signe l'un de ses meilleurs films avec cette réflexion sur l'art du comédien, portée par une sublime Juliette Binoche.
Un magnifique sujet, une écriture élégante, passionnante et sensible et une mise en scène fulgurante. Assayas atteint ici un apogée.
- France Télévision


Olivier Assayas' drama The Clouds of Sils Maria stars Juliette Binoche as Maria, a celebrated actress who is traveling with her personal assistant Valentine (Kristen Stewart) to accept a lifetime achievement award for the playwright and director who launched her career. On the way, they learn that the celebrated artist has passed away. At the gala, a talented young director offers Maria the chance to star in a revival of the play that made her famous, this time portraying the part of the older woman that the young woman in the play seduces and destroys. Maria tentatively accepts, and as she attempts to find her way into the other character, she learns more about her new young co-star Jo-Ann (Chloe Grace Moretz), a talented but troubled teen the tabloids have made a fixture for her tantrums and bad behavior.

Theatrical Release Date

Tuesday, April 07, 2015
Original Languages: English
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 124 min.
Year: 2014


Brady Corbet
Chloë Grace Moretz
Johnny Flynn
Juliette Binoche
Kristen Stewart
Nora von Waldstätten
Un film de
Olivier Assayas
