Jane Austen Book Club, The

The acting ensemble is as colorful, and thorny, as a garden of Austen archetypes.
- Carrie Rickey, Philadelphia Inquirer
There isn't an actress here who isn't perfect.
- Stephen Whitty, Newark Star Ledger
Unlike so many chick flicks that celebrate female solidarity as a concept without ever making us feel it, The Jane Austen Book Club is convincingly feminist in a nonpolitical way
- Terry Lawson, Detroit Free Press


Today’s central California may be far removed from Regency England, but some things never change. We’re still every bit as preoccupied with the complexities of marriage, friendship, romantic entanglements, position, and social manners and mores as was Jane Austen at the turn of the 1800s. THE JANE AUSTEN BOOK CLUB reveals the lives of an ensemble of present-day friends through the witty prism of their literary heroine. Six book club members, six Austen books, six interwoven story lines over six months in the busy modern setting of Sacramento, where city and suburban sprawl meet natural beauty. While the contemporary stories never slavishly parallel the Austen plots, the six characters find echoes, predictions, warnings and wisdom about their own trajectories within Austen’s beloved narratives.

Theatrical Release Date

Friday, September 28, 2007
Original Languages: English
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 106 min.
Year: 2007


Emily Blunt
Jimmy Smits
Maria Bello
Un film de
Robin Swicord