The Last Station

It?s the most emotionally naked work of Mirren?s movie career; she gives poetic form to the madness and the violence of commonplace jealousy.
- David Denby, The New Yorker
The Last Station is a moving, fictionalized account of a piece of real Russian history, a tour de force for an actor (Plummer) who?s in his prime in his 70s and 80s, and a real return to form for a director most at home in period pieces.
- Roger Moore, The Orlando Sentinel
The movie?s a chocolate box of nougaty performances, from Christopher Plummer?s delightful depiction of Tolstoy as a ribald old naïf to Paul Giamatti twirling his waxed mustache and playing to the gallery as Vladimir Chertkov.
- Ty Burr, Boston Globe


*Au cinéma en version anglaise uniquement Les dernières années de l'écrivain Leon Tolstoï, parti vivre reclus dans une petite gare de campagne à Astapovo.

Date de sortie

Vendredi 5 mars, 2010
Langue originale: Anglais
Genre: Drame
Durée: 112 min.
Année: 2009


Christopher Plummer
Helen Mirren
James McAvoy
Un film de
Michael Hoffman